I’m a theoretical scientist in Chiba University. My main interest is the early stage of universe. I have so far focused on primordial perturbations on small scales as a unique probe of the early universe. One of my research topic is ultracompact minihalos, a direct consequence of particular dynamics of the early universe. I have proposed several approaches to ultracompace minihalos with use of cosmological observations. Primordial black hole and gravitational waves induced by scalar perturbations are also my research topics for the same reason as UCMHs. I’m from Gunma, Japan. I completed B.Sc. in Physics in 2018 and M.Sc. in Physics in 2020, and received Ph.D. in Physics from Nagoya University in March 2023.
PhD in the department of Physics, 2022
Nagoya University
MSc in the department of Physics, 2020
Nagoya University
BSc in the department of Physics, 2018
Nagoya University
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions